Saturday 23 June 2012

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online - Entity Relationship Diagram For Activities Entity Model

This Microsoft Office Visio 2010 diagram shows the logical entity relationship (logical database structure) for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online - Activities Entity Model.

The logical relationships reflect the programming model for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online - Activities Entity Model.

Entity Relationship Diagram For Activities Entity Model
I have highlighted different areas of this entity relationship diagram image, so that it is more clearly visible.

1) Below image highlights the main entities "fax", "email" and "phonecall". It highlights the relationship with "queueitem".

Entity Relationship Diagram For Activities Entity Model - Highlight 1

2) Below image highlights the relationship with "orderclose", "service", "lead", "incident", "userentityinstancedata" and "activitymimeattachment".

Entity Relationship Diagram For Activities Entity Model - Highlight 2

3) Below image highlights the relationship with "campaignactivityitem", "account", "subscription", "activityparty" and "bulkdeletefailure".

Entity Relationship Diagram For Activities Entity Model - Highlight 3

4) Below image highlights the relationship with "owner", "task", "contact" and "incidentresolution".

Entity Relationship Diagram For Activities Entity Model - Highlight 4

5) Below image highlights the relationship with "campaign" and "annotation".

Entity Relationship Diagram For Activities Entity Model - Highlight 5

6) Below image highlights the relationship with "processsession", "connection", "quote" and "transactioncurrency".

Entity Relationship Diagram For Activities Entity Model - Highlight 6

7) Below image highlights the relationship with "emailhash", "duplicaterecord", "campaignresponse" and "bulkoperation".

Entity Relationship Diagram For Activities Entity Model - Highlight 7

8) Below image highlights the relationship with "campaignactivity", "contract", "recurrencerule" and "opportunityclose".

Entity Relationship Diagram For Activities Entity Model - Highlight 8

9) Below image highlights the relationship with "invoice", "quoteclose", "asyncoperation" and "recurringappointmentmaster".

Entity Relationship Diagram For Activities Entity Model - Highlight 9

10) Below image highlights the relationship with "principalobjectattributeaccess", "serviceappointment", "bulkoperationlog" and "salesorder".

Entity Relationship Diagram For Activities Entity Model - Highlight 10

 11) Below image highlights the relationship with "opportunity" and "appointment".

Entity Relationship Diagram For Activities Entity Model - Highlight 11

My above blog is based on Microsoft's Official information.

I hope this blog about 'Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online - Entity Relationship Diagram For Activities Entity Model' was informative. Please feel free to leave your comments.

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